Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Connor James

This week I decided to catch up on my personal photography.  I have not updated the blog in so long I did not recognize the home page...  I guess that is what happens when you have another baby.  I was so busy when he was born that I did not really take as much time as I would like to do the nb shoot.  Its different when it is someone else.  That is my job.  At home there are lots of things going on that get in the way.  I was delighted when editing this week. I found a few that were better than I thought.  I polished them up and put them in a pretty frame from some dear friends. The end product made me proud. Here is a peek at the pictures I used. BTW he is 8 months old already.  That was way too fast.  Lucky for me I take a ton of pictures. :)

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