Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spring shots of the kids

Connor James

This week I decided to catch up on my personal photography.  I have not updated the blog in so long I did not recognize the home page...  I guess that is what happens when you have another baby.  I was so busy when he was born that I did not really take as much time as I would like to do the nb shoot.  Its different when it is someone else.  That is my job.  At home there are lots of things going on that get in the way.  I was delighted when editing this week. I found a few that were better than I thought.  I polished them up and put them in a pretty frame from some dear friends. The end product made me proud. Here is a peek at the pictures I used. BTW he is 8 months old already.  That was way too fast.  Lucky for me I take a ton of pictures. :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Baby Connor

This is the new love in my life.  He is 8lbs of pure joy!  As for now I am still on leave until February 2012. After that I will be taking a few appointments a month.  Please feel free to call me and book your appointment 702-303-2363.  Happy Holidays.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

One more before I go...

This post is bitter sweet for me.  As I say goodbye to photography for a while to enjoy my new little baby I will miss this creative job I have come to love.  Here are a few pictures from my last session of the year.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Perfect little family...

There is nothing sweeter than a new born baby.  I was lucky enough to photograph the newest little member of the Marsh family the other day.  Not only is the baby cute, look at the rest of the family.  I could not get their new puppy to join in the fun, but I assure you she was as cute as the rest.  Thanks again for inviting me into your home.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Maternity session

I had the opportunity to work outside the my usual style on this shoot.  I am usually outdoors with families and natural light.  This time it was indoors with this beautiful Mom to be.  I hope she does not mind me posting these.  I wish I looked this good pregnant.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Photography update...

As summer draws to a close I find my self getting ready for a new little man in my life.  For those of you who do not know me personally I am expecting baby number three in November.  This happens to be my busiest season.  I thought I should let people know why I am taking some time off.  I will be working through the 30th of September this year.  If anyone is planning on booking a session I would book A.S.A.P.  I need to get them edited and delivered before the baby comes.  Because of my limited schedule this year I am not offering the holiday mini sessions.  

Family sessions  $125.  
I will however include the CD for prints and photo sharing (a $150.00 value )
for a total cost of $175.

To schedule your appointment today you can contact me directly at 702-303-2363 or go to the website.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer and I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces this fall.

Jen Morley

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senior picture time...

This is Kaitlyn.  I am a little partial because I just love this girl, but is she gorgeous or what?  Despite the windy conditions that afternoon we got some nice shots.  It was an honor to take them for you.  I hope you like them.